Funded 2, 3 & 4 year old nursery places now available!

The School Day

The day begins with registration for both attendance and school dinners. The school gates are open at 08:35 and closed at 08:45. Please ensure your child is here, with the right equipment, and ready to learn in plenty of time for the start of the school day . A member of staff will be available on the gate, or the playground for messages etc so as soon as your child is ready they can go into their classrooms independently.

At the end of the day children are released to you in the playground by their teacher. Please ensure that you wait in the back playground and that the staff are aware of any unusual collection arrangements.
After-school activities usually take place from 3.15pm. We also offer a Breakfast club from 7.50-8.35am where the children take part in activities in the hall. Cool Club is the name of our after school wrap around care. This is open until 5.15pm and is separate to the after school clubs other staff run. 

08.45 – 08.50 Registration
08.50 – 10.30 Class session
10.30 – 10.45 Playtime
10.45 – 12.00 Class session

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch time
13.00 – 15.15 Class session

Latecomers must sign in at the school office and their late arrival is noted in the register.

Shortlanesend School
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